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Jeep LED Light Bars and Mounts

By Jeremy LaDuke May 08, 2015 0 comments

All Jeep LED light bars are not created equal.

Picture this: It’s dusk, the anticipation for the trail is nearly killing you and your crew but you finally get ready for your first night time off roading venture of the season. You’ve been on this trail a few times before but it’s not one you know inside and out. Things are going great, but as the sun sets lower you are hoping those new lights you got a ‘discount’ on from Amazon are gonna get brighter. They don’t. But who cares? You and your rig are tough. You plow through the night, squinting to see any obstacles in the path ahead. But even the slow pace you’ve had to adopt doesn’t save your lights from a low-hanging branch. You hear the scraping and watch as your lights go out as the branch wins out over those mounting brackets you got such a great deal on. This is not what you want to happen.

Don’t make the mistake of trusting cheap Jeep LED light bars at night.

When you’re off-roading at night, preparation is the most important part of your trip. It is the difference between getting lost and getting home, between rolling and riding. And one of the most important things you can invest in is your lights. The proper lighting can make all the difference in the world on your nighttime Jeep run. At Apoc we put our lights and our mounting through strenuous testing to ensure they can hold up under the most severe conditions. You’re either gonna pay a little more on the front side for quality Apoc lighting or you’re gonna pay off the road with the discount lights.

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